A relationship is a co-authored journey, combining two individual stories to create a single, shared narrative. Creating this narrative is not always cohesive. Each person in the relationship brings a host of unspoken assumptions and implicit contracts embedded in their subconscious that, if left unrecognized, can derail or even prevent the growth of a nurturing partnership. 

Shelli helps couples at all stages of their relationship learn to respect the needs and wants of their partners without neglecting their own. She empowers couples to co-author a mutually satisfying relationship built on common ground, replacing storylines of neglected desires with mutually beneficial, deeply connected partnerships. 




You fell in love, took vows, had children, and expected to ride off into the sunset.

Then everything changed: someone cheated, financial strain took its toll, or you simply grew apart. For whatever reason, the fairytale ended. The fact is, divorce can cause good people to do bad things. But it doesn't have to.

Shelli can help you thoughtfully separate to prevent the end of a marriage from becoming the beginning of an unhappy family. 


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